Ancestors of Morten Hammer

This web database is based on my personal genealogy database version 2.2 (as of September 20, 2005). Most of the information about individuals back to approximately the last half of the 1700th century  in  my database  originates from different primary sources: Parish records, censuses and probates etc. Most of the information about individuals living earlier than that has been copied from Internet databases and other secondary sources - and I have not yet had time to compare much of this information systematically with primary sources (where such sources exist at all).

The 'Aagaard' farm where I was born (photo from approx. 1955)

Table of Contents

bullet  Pedigree Chart for Morten Hammer
bullet  Surname List
bullet  Index of Names

Table of Contents | Surnames | Name List

This Web Site was Created 24 Sep 2005 with Legacy 6.0 from Millennia